The EWES Fun Run is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 15! Wear tennis shoes and a school shirt or Fun Run shirt, if you purchased one. Please wear sunscreen and a hat if needed and/or send in an extra set of dry clothes with your child if he/she gets wet. Thunderstorms will cause us to postpone the event, light rain will not. Questions? Call the elementary office.
10 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Reminder for Grade 4 Students - Band instrument selection is tonight from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. Enter through Door #3 (cafeteria doors on the bus parking side of the building).
10 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Please consider being a Principal's PAL for the 2024-25 school year. Click on the link for more information.
10 months ago, Stacy Richardson
We still have a few openings in our CAST Summer School Learning Lab. Register soon if interested. Please click on the link for more information, and feel free to contact your child's teacher with any questions.
10 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Happy Mother's Day to the incredible moms, grandmas, aunts, and mother figures of our EWES students! Thank you for your continued love and support! Enjoy your special day!
10 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Just a friendly reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, May 3rd. Enjoy the long weekend! We look forward to seeing our students back at school on Monday.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Happy May! Click on the link to read the EWES May School Newsletter.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
We are excited to host our annual Muffins in the Morning event! Our special ladies should enter Door #2 WITH their student(s) sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. to enjoy muffins and milk before the student(s) head to class. A-M should attend on Wednesday, May 1, and N-Z on Thursday, May 2. Call the office with any questions.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
The online store to buy the $8 Fun Run tshirts closes tonight, April 21, at midnight. Students will wear this shirt to our Fun Run on May 15. Fourth-grade students have their own Class of 2024 Fun Run/Field Day Shirt. Click the CORRECT link below to order. Grades Pre-K - Grade 3 Fun Run Shirt: Grade 4 Fun Run/Field Day Shirt: Grade 4 - Be sure to order the correct class color. Our annual Fun Run is a beloved tradition at EWES! Each grade level gets to do an outdoor run filled with lots of surprising moments of fun! We are excited to make this year's Fun Run the best one yet!
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
EWES will have a table set up at this YMCA event tomorrow, April 20, from 9-11! It is FREE for families!! There will be free bounce houses, free Brother B's ice cream, free face painting, free GaGa Ball, free tug-war, free bubbles, and so much more! Come say hi to Mrs. Richardson at the EWES table! She would love to see lots of our students there! Click the link for more information:
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
K-4 students will be coming home with their Quarter 4 midterms today. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions or concerns,
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
The EW PTO Meeting is tomorrow, April 18, at 3:30 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. Please consider joining us. Questions? Contact the elementary office.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Grade 3 and 4 students will begin the ILEARN state assessment starting tomorrow, April 15. Please be sure your child arrives on time to school and that his/her iPad is fully charged each day. Grade 3 students will test over the next two weeks. Grade 4 students will test over the next three weeks. Click on the link for more information:
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Attention 2024-25 Incoming 2nd Grade Students - Please click on the link for information about our 24-25 Back to School Kickoff Family Assistance Event. Registered students will be given free school supplies and other items at the start of the school year. We kindly ask that families register by next Friday, April 19.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
The EWES Fun Run is coming soon! 2024 Fun Run T-shirts are on sale now for $8 each. Fourth-grade students have their own Class of 2024 Fun Run Shirt. Click the CORRECT link below to order. Grades Pre-K - Grade 3 Fun Run Shirt: Grade 4, Class of 2024, Fun Run Shirt: Grade 4 - Be sure to order the correct class color. Our annual Fun Run is a beloved tradition at EWES! Each grade level gets to do an outdoor run filled with lots of surprising moments of fun! We are excited to make this year's Fun Run the best one yet! It's happening on May 15, 2024. Orders must be placed by midnight on April 21.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
We kindly ask that you complete this short survey to help us understand the needs of our school families and serve them better. Thank you in advance for your participation!
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
The EWES Character Strong Trait of the Month is Courage. Click on the link to read this month's character trait Family Newsletter. The EWES staff and our students' families work together to build "Character Strong" people!
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Just a reminder that there is no in-person school and no E-Learning tomorrow, April 8. Please enjoy safely viewing the eclipse. We look forward to seeing our students back to school on Tuesday.
11 months ago, Stacy Richardson
We hope our text finds everyone safe at home. Just a reminder for tomorrow -Team/Club Pics will be taken for the yearbook. Click this link for more info:
12 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Click on the link to read the EWES April School Newsletter.
12 months ago, Stacy Richardson