We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We're so thankful to have each of you as part of our Musketeer school family. We look forward to seeing our students back to school tomorrow!
3 months ago, Stacy Richardson
K-4 students will be bringing home Midterms today. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher. Also, a quick reminder that our monthly PTO meeting is scheduled for 3:30 PM TODAY in the elementary cafeteria. School doors will reopen at 3:00 PM to allow families to come in and wait for the meeting to begin. We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Our K-2 students will bring home their iPads today as a precaution in case the weather affects our school schedule. At this time, school is planned to operate on a NORMAL schedule tomorrow. If that changes, a text message will go out, and the information will be posted on our corporation's Facebook page. We have asked students to keep their iPads inside their backpacks while on the bus and at home to ensure they stay safe, charged, and ready IF E-Learning becomes necessary. Thank you for your cooperation!
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Today is the final day to register for our Kindergarten Parent Reading Workshop happening this Wednesday, November 20, from 6:00-6:45 p.m.! Remember, all children in attendance will be served dinner—a hot dog, chips, a drink, and a cookie—to help make your evening a little easier. Plus, every Kindergarten student will receive a free book! Click here to register: https://forms.gle/zQcCNe66gHuJzkDw5
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Our online Spirit Wear Store closes at midnight tonight. Click on this link to visit the store: https://323ink.chipply.com/EWS/?action=viewall. If you're purchasing items as Christmas gifts, simply note it on the order form, and we’ll keep it a surprise. You’ll receive a phone call when your order is ready for pick-up in the office.
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Register now for our Kindergarten Parent Reading Workshop on Wednesday, November 20, from 6:00-6:45 p.m.! All children attending will receive a free hot dog dinner and a free book. Childcare will be provided throughout the meeting. Get easy, fun ideas to help your kindergartener build a strong reading foundation! Click this link to register if you haven't already: https://forms.gle/2N3q3D2XaUPFTz7G7 and click this link for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zp9jg2SQYNcpeL_qm3q8K7c2psWHRJEb/view?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Due to the Donuts With Dudes event on Thursday and Friday this week, the parking lot will be extra busy. We encourage preschool families not to arrive before 8:15 a.m. on both days and as always, please hold your child's hand in the parking lot. If your child is attending the event on one of the days, the preschool staff will be available to take your child for preschool, even if that is before 8:15. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
We are excited to host Donuts With Dudes tomorrow (A-M) and Friday (N-Z)! Dudes should arrive at Door #2 WITH their student sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. to enjoy a donut before the student goes to class. Please call the office with any questions.
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
In honor of Veterans Day, we encourage all students to wear red, white, and blue to school tomorrow. During our Veterans Day program, we will take the opportunity to express our gratitude to the brave men and women who have served our country.
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
The EWES Online Spirit Wear Store is now open! Click on the link to visit the store: https://323ink.chipply.com/EWS/?action=viewall If you're purchasing items as Christmas gifts, simply note it on the order form, and we’ll keep it a surprise. You’ll receive a phone call when your order is ready for pick-up in the office.
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
At EWES, we are dedicated to nurturing the whole child by teaching important character traits that support their success at both school and home. This month, we are focusing on Gratitude. Click the link to read our November Character Trait Family Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xjb0soyJEfHjMMNboimX7us0f2Jpi7XE/view?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Dads, grandpas, uncles, and father figures—come enjoy a complimentary donut and milk with your child(ren)! Student Last names A-M: November 14 at 7:30 a.m. and Student Last names N-Z: November 15 at 7:30 a.m. Click this link to register: https://forms.gle/QNyH8ydiycCmropG6 OR click this link for more information: https://drive.google.com/.../1Vb8p7JLJsGwl.../view...
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Don't forget to return the bottom slip tomorrow on the front page of your child's PTO Giving Campaign packet. Thank you in advance for supporting this important fundraiser! Click on the video link to find out more. https://youtu.be/8SnvgkCxdIc
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Kindergarten parents, please join us on November 20 from 6:00-6:45 p.m. for a special workshop focused on building a strong reading foundation for your child! To register, return the registration form that was sent home, email Mrs. Richardson at srichardson@ewsc.k12.in.us, or notify your child's teacher. We hope to see you there! Click the link for information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyAtHUCII6s-sIuVc6wja5dA3R4RIl06/view?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Happy November! Click on the link to read the EWES November School Newsletter. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PfoDYDOmpE2CwBCPpjdiAuueatfeYXFt/view?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Join us tomorrow, October 31, as we let our imaginations soar and dress up in our favorite costumes while saying 'Boo' to drugs! 👻🎃 Click the link for important reminders about tomorrow's dress-up day. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BmMkj3Ozohbfmr4UtZ_qQBrZHxs6Sl5N/view?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Red Ribbon Week kicks off tomorrow, Monday, October 28! We'll have fun dress-up days to promote healthy bodies and minds. Click the link for all the details and join the fun! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E07pJS86NnkjG7jbk-bWDDTRQjzbV1uE/view?usp=sharing
5 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Tomorrow is School Spirit Day! 🎉 Let’s celebrate the amazing success of our EHS volleyball, cross country, and band students! Show your Musketeer pride by wearing that purple and gold! Tomorrow is also the last day for our Fall Book Fair. Click the link for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HneBZBzL5m986tiLx5YqWHXJYJ7PW6KQ/view?usp=sharing
5 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Join us tomorrow, October 24, for our monthly PTO Meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria! Parents may enter the building starting at 3:00 p.m. Please keep your children with you in the cafeteria until the meeting begins. Starting at 3:30 p.m., students from our EHS National Honor Society will provide supervision for all children in the gym. We look forward to seeing you there!
5 months ago, Stacy Richardson
Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow, October 18. Report Cards will be given out at the conference. There is no in-person school tomorrow. It's an eLearning Day. Students will complete their learning at home on their iPads. iPads will be sent home with students in K-4 today. Please contact your child's teacher or the office with any questions.
5 months ago, Stacy Richardson