Our current preschool students will be receiving an important email with an activation link and username for Alma today. Alma is part of our new Kindergarten Registration process. Please click on the link and follow the instructions to enroll your child for Kindergarten for the 22-23 school year. Computers will also be available during registration to assist you with this process. Please feel free to call the office with any questions.

We cannot wait to see our preschoolers at Kindergarten Registration this Thursday, April 7, from 3:00-6:00 p.m. More information is attached. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BpP8aih2r-mTYsypHH1cppbN6SwPZer0/view?usp=sharing

Click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

💜Are you interested in volunteering with the PTO?! Please send us a message on our school Facebook Page, East Washington Schools PTO, we have a few questions to ask you! 💛
We may have some upcoming options for YOU!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

EWES celebrated National Read Across America Day! We participated in a school-wide "Read-In". Everyone in the building read and celebrated the joy and pleasure of reading! Each classroom is also raising funds for our East Washington Dollars for Scholars fund. Your child's teacher has posted a link for you to donate!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

All students are invited to wear pajamas to school tomorrow, March 2, in celebration of National Read Across America Day and our school-wide "Read-In"! Don't miss the fun!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

We invite all students to celebrate "Twosday" (2-22-22) by wearing tutus, ties or tennis shoes to school tomorrow! Other fun activities will be happening throughout the day. Don't miss the fun!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

EWES celebrated the 100th day of the 21-22 school year today! It’s been a great school year so far! 🎉

Click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Happy New Year to our preschool families! We are so excited to welcome our little ones back to school on Wednesday, January 5. Please arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. for preschool drop off. Our Early Learning preschool students will follow their two day attendance schedule. See everyone soon!

Happy New Year to our school family! We are so excited to welcome all of our students back to school on Wednesday, January 5. Grades K-4 students should arrive no later than 7:50 a.m. as instruction starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. See everyone soon!

Thank you to Ascension St. Vincent for their recent donation of hats, scarves, and gloves to our EWES students! We are so thankful for their kind and generous hearts!

So many generous children, adults, and community members in our school family! All for one and one for all! 💜💛