Loved seeing so many familiar faces at the EWSC booth at that Washington County Fair!

Don't miss out on our FREE Summer Meal Program - Yum!

Mark your calendar for our annual Back to School Open House! Click the link for dates and times. Hope to see you there! https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GwDvATSGRx7X29ctkPV7LEUHqqK1smu/view?usp=sharing

EWES teachers are hard at work this summer planning and preparing for the upcoming school year! We are all super excited about our new reading series for our K-4 students! Thanks, teachers, for your hard work and dedication to our EWES students!

We will be hosting our annual Open House prior to the start of the 22-23 school year. Date and time for this special event is coming soon!

Support our PTO - Kona Ice Day is coming to EWES tomorrow! Click on the link below to scan the code to pay for your child's treat ahead of time and hassle free. Cash will also be accepted. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OA31rEcK93d4u810U89uhoIvjiDgF9Ja/view?ts=626aeeb8

4th grade students are invited to Be Part of the Band! Instrument tryouts are tomorrow night, Wednesday, from 4-7 in the elementary cafeteria. Come to tryouts to give each instrument a try and choose the one that's right for you. For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/ewband

22-23 EWES On My Way Preschool Registration is this Thursday, May 19, between the hours of 3:00-6:00 p.m. Click on the link below for more information or call the elementary office 812-967-2929 ext. 1 with any questions. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G0OoLzS9TX6-1PQVaiplfgZA8EiI59qu/view?usp=sharing

The EWES Fun Run is tomorrow! Don't forget to wear tennis shoes and your Fun Run shirt or any Eastern shirt, if you have one, and be ready for a super fun day outside!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Preschool Enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is open! Click on the link below for more information about our On My Way Preschool program and how to enroll. We cannot wait to see our newest Mini Musketeers on Thursday, May 19, from 3:00-6:00 p.m. for registration. For additional information click above on Menu and then the dropdown arrow for Preschool Information.

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

We love seeing all of the joy in our EWES students! It was a wonderful day! Happy Easter to all of our families! 💜💛

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Tomorrow is group photo day for the yearbook. Students need to bring or wear their team or club shirt for the photo - STEM Club, Girls Who Code, Student Council, 3rd/4th Football Team, 2nd-4th Girls Basketball Participants, 3rd/4th Boys Basketball Teams, Wrestling Club, Future Programmers' Club, and 3rd/4th Grade Girls Volleyball.

Thank you to the Washington County Community Foundation for donating books to our 2nd and 3rd graders this school year! Our students have enjoyed all of the books!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Thank you to all of our Musketeer families for bringing your little ones to us today for Kindergarten Registration! If you were unable to attend and you have a kindergarten student to register for the 22-23 school year, please contact our elementary office as soon as possible at 812-967-2929 ext. 1. 💜💛

Looking forward to welcoming our new Mini Musketeers today! Kindergarten Registration is today, April 7, from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Please call the elementary office with any questions.