Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Guard Clinic Update - The Guard Clinic is canceled for tonight, 1/31. Students should plan to stay after school this Thursday, 2/2, through the performance. Food will be provided.

The EWES Family Movie Night has been canceled for this evening due to the weather. Stay safe and warm!

Did you receive the text message from EWSC that we running on a two-hour delay on Thursday, January 26? If not, please call the elementary office immediately so we can update your contact information in our student management system. Thank you! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D3fDTay_YzV6WcIsqQLT0yEjddLOPfME/view?usp=sharing

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

EWES celebrated 100 days of learning on Thursday, January 19. What a fun and exciting day!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Congratulations to all of our Quarter 2 Award Winners! We are so proud of our elementary students! A recording of the award assemblies and lots of group photos of our students is available on our corporation Facebook Page, Eastern Musketeers - East Washington School Corporation.

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Our EWES Character Strong Trait for the month of January is Perseverance. Click on the link below to read this month's Family Newsletter.

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Happy New Year to our EWES families! We look forward to welcoming our students back to school this Thursday, January 5. Enjoy these last few days of the holiday break. See you soon!

The votes are counted! Congratulations to our Gingerbread House winners - 1st place goes to grade 3 teachers, 2nd place to grade 4 teachers and 3rd place goes to our preschool teachers!! Families voted for their favorite gingerbread house at our family night earlier this week.

Mrs. Rogers' 4th-grade class spent the morning learning about the four forces of motion. The guest speaker today was Allie Bowman-Rogers, an aircraft avionics engineer at UPS in Louisville, KY. She shared everything she knows about planes and how they fly. Students visited the STEM room and rotated through 4 stations highlighting the forces of LIFT, THRUST, DRAG, and WEIGHT. Allie answered all sorts of challenging questions about flight, planes, and STEM opportunities in the workforce. Thank you, Allie, for sharing your expertise and love of science with our fourth graders!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

A BIG thank you to our PTO for organizing our amazing Santa Shop this past week. Not only did our students love picking out just the right gift for their family members, but they also learned the true gift of giving. Thank you, PTO, for making this possible!

Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter:

Tomorrow is the last day to register for our Family Fun Night - Gingerbread Houses and Geometry - Tuesday, December 13, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. It's free and lots of fun! Please register EACH child who will be in attendance so we can plan accordingly. Register at the link below or call the elementary office.
Click on the flier for more information:

What a talented group of young students we have! Thank you to our music teacher, Mrs. Allison Hein, and to our 4th grade Rhythm and Rhyme students for a wonderful Christmas program! Parents enjoyed the program last night and our students this morning ❤️🎄!