EWES students enjoyed a wonderful day learning and being inspired by award-winning children's book author Shannon Anderson. Ms. Anderson worked with our students throughout the day yesterday sharing her love and gift of writing with them. Thank you to our community sponsors, Washington County Farm Bureau, Premier Ag - Seymour, and the Rita Elliott Legacy Fund, for making this experience possible for our students.
almost 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17AOSonmAv0VJRka0KzLXuLlELdMoK6Jz/view?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Kim Souder
newsletter 3-24-23
Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ci6dfenCk_GE6uUgNv7XDZDrvb0-S64W/view?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Kim Souder
Quarter 3 Report Cards are being sent home with students today. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher with any questions or concerns.
almost 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ErOkg4A9mSWuJ0X1ym9S-YSJDD4zj6Po/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Kim Souder
Our third-grade students enjoyed playing Test Taking Tip Bingo on Friday in preparation for the upcoming IREAD-3 state assessment. Rather than shouting "Bingo" for a win, the students would shout, "I GOT THIS"! And yes, our EWES Third Graders do have what it takes!!! We are so proud of them!
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Thank you to our EWES families for such a fun Family STEM Night! 💜💛 We would also like to thank Duke Energy for their help and support. @Duke Energy
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Iepu4jaOq2FFMJob7sO6fckUCd8hju8/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Kim Souder
We are excited about STEM Family Night! Please enter through Door #3 (the cafeteria entrance on the bus parking side of the building). Families may park in our front parking lot or enter the high school lot, and park in our side bus lot. Students can visit a few or maybe all of the 20+ stations! Move through at your own pace choosing what interests you the most. The stations will be open to students from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. We look forward to tonight!
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
EWES is proud to share that Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Spray, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Endris have received their Trauma and Resilience Training Certification. Congratulations to these staff members! These ladies spent several months learning about how a child's life experiences can impact a child's behavior and learning. The training stresses the importance of developing trusting relationships with our students and creating a positive learning environment. They were taught strategies for how to empower our students with the necessary tools to be successful and to thrive both at school and at home. Mrs. Spray, our school social worker, and Mrs. Endris, our school counselor, are now training our elementary staff in these best practices. We care so much about each and every one of our students and this is one more way we are working together as a staff to create the most positive learning environment we can for our students. 💜💛
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Join us as we celebrate Read Across America this week! Click on the attached flyer for our fun dress-up days. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UaKgBsDggTTwPhMHxIi-8_jOCKBSPXUG/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Our Random Acts of Kindness Week was filled with so much generosity! All of our community organizations expressed their gratitude for the kind hearts of our EWES students. We collected over 2,000 items to donate to our local fire and police stations, animal shelter, nursing homes, and family shelter. Kindness matters and EWES students know that and show that each and every day!
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Earlier this month, in celebration of Super Bowl Sunday, our 2nd-4th grade students had so much fun at Football Stations during PE. The favorite station by far was the Running Back Station - students ran around some cones, over hurdles, and through the "tires" (hula hoops). At the end, they got to "dive" into the endzone! Thank you to our PE teacher, Mrs. Shipman, for some "Super Fun"
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbAi4I7PVNyXCILWlpNv8n4YRFWqjqck/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Kim Souder
Don't miss our Family STEM Night this upcoming Thursday, March 2, from 6:00-7:30 at the elementary. It will be lots of fun and it's free!! All students in Preschool-Grade 4 and their families are invited to attend. The registration link is included in the attached flyer. Hope to see you there! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yDyvweCdvhMkiRMUWt6msnAdPnmCmTtW/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Please click on the following link to read this week's newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LFEGaJqVhX3Cd0HSzNVrzMsMxDfXSpBJ/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Kim Souder
Our elementary Student Council made giant hearts with quotes about kindness to hang in our hallways this week as a reminder to spread kindness like confetti! Kindness Matters at EWES!
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Thank you to Duke Energy for donating more STEM supplies and activities for our students 💜💛!
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Introducing our newest Elementary Busketeers! Busketeers are 4th-grade students who have volunteered to tutor some of our younger students on the school bus ride a few days per week. Thank you to both our EWSC bus drivers and the Washington County Community Foundation for your support! #MahuronGrant
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson
Our EWES Service Learning Project, Kindness Matters, starts tomorrow. Click on the link below for more information. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dSwG2sP89WH0MhHQWzTYRxay0cOXKLaV/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Stacy Richardson